ACP award for women in medicine renamed in honor of the Blackwell sisters

Members interested in submitting nominations for the Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine can find more information on ACP's website.

In honor of Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell's achievements as pioneers in the field of medicine, the ACP Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine will be renamed the Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine. In order to identify an appropriate namesake, ACP Chapters were solicited to submit nominations of accomplished woman physicians. The Awards Committee reviewed and considered the merits of all candidates before ultimately selecting Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell, nominated by the Oregon Chapter.

The Blackwell sisters both earned medical degrees in the 19th century, an exceptionally rare accomplishment at the time. Elizabeth was the first woman in the United States to achieve her medical degree in 1849, and Emily became the third woman to earn a medical degree in 1854.

The two would go on to have esteemed careers in obstetrics and gynecology.

Members interested in submitting nominations for the Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell Award for Outstanding Contributions to Advancing the Careers of Women in Medicine can find more information on ACP's website.