ACP joins collaborative to fight clinician suicide and burnout

The National Academy of Medicine wants to build a collaborative platform for supporting and improving clinician well-being and resilience by joining with multiple organizations, including clinician and consumer groups as well as health care organizations and policy-making bodies.

Every year in the United States, an estimated 400 physicians take their own lives, a rate more than double that of the general population. In response to the alarming rates of burnout, depression and suicide among U.S. health care workers, ACP has joined with several medical groups to support the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience.

The National Academy of Medicine will build a collaborative platform for supporting and improving clinician well-being and resilience by joining with multiple organizations, including clinician and consumer groups as well as health care organizations and policy-making bodies.

This collaborative will provide the structure for a set of activities designed to assess and understand the underlying causes of clinician burnout and suicide and to advance systems solutions that reverse these trends, including meetings among participating groups, public workshops, and stakeholder engagement activities.

For more information, visit the National Academy of Medicine website.