ACP cohosting Guidelines International Network conference in Philadelphia

G-I-N is a global network that supports the implementation of evidence-based care and aims to strengthen and support the development and adaptation of clinical guidelines. This year's theme is “Individualized Guidelines and Clinical Performance Measurement in an Era of Personalized Medicine.”

Registration is under way for the 2016 Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) conference, cohosted by ACP and to be held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia from Sept. 27-30, 2016.

G-I-N is a global network that supports the implementation of evidence-based care and aims to strengthen and support the development and adaptation of clinical guidelines. This year's theme is “Individualized Guidelines and Clinical Performance Measurement in an Era of Personalized Medicine.” ACP Vice President of Clinical Policy Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA, FACP, is the conference co-president and Annals of Internal Medicine Editor-in-Chief Christine Laine, MD, MPH, FACP, is chair of the scientific committee.

The deadline for abstract submissions is April 4. Abstract themes are guideline development and assessment; guideline implementation; personalized medicine guidelines; and guidelines, public health, and public policy. Authors will receive acknowledgement of abstracts via email and acceptance notifications on May 10.

Early-bird pricing ends after June 20. For more information and to register, visit the conference website.