Article cites ACP and other groups for efforts to promote high-value care

According to an article published in the July 16 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), professional organizations like ACP are the groups best positioned to engage physicians in qualitative efforts to improve the value of health care.

According to an article published in the July 16 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), professional organizations like ACP are the groups best positioned to engage physicians in qualitative efforts to improve the value of health care.

The article's authors note that implementation of the Affordable Care Act has laid some of the groundwork for reversing the trend of spiraling health care costs, but the current fee-for-service system does little to discourage overtreatment and wasteful practices. According to the authors, groups like ACP, the American College of Cardiology, the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American Board of Internal Medicine can accelerate movement toward high-value care delivery because they are long recognized as “stewards of quality in medicine,” are trusted by physicians, and have the depth of knowledge to develop resources targeted to their specialties.

The article cites resources available to clinicians through ACP's High Value Care platform, including clinical guidelines, public policy recommendations, and curricula for medical educators and students.