Physician & Practice Timeline helps physicians track key requirements and opportunities

ACP has launched Physician & Practice Timeline: Professional Requirements & Opportunities, a valuable online tool to help physicians stay on top of important dates and track deadlines for a variety of regulatory, payment, educational, and delivery system changes, requirements and opportunities.

ACP has launched Physician & Practice Timeline: Professional Requirements & Opportunities, a valuable online tool to help physicians stay on top of important dates and track deadlines for a variety of regulatory, payment, educational, and delivery system changes, requirements and opportunities.

The Physician & Practice Timeline allows clinicians to track and find useful resources for everything from eRx and PQRS data collection periods to ICD-10 preparation and meaningful use reporting periods. The Timeline also provides information on new opportunities that physicians in practice can take advantage of, such as transitional care management (TCM) codes.

The Timeline will be continually updated to reflect all new or revised target dates, deadlines, and incentives.