The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox

October's issue of ACP Internist features stories on internists for pro sports teams, cardiovascular disease in the elderly and teaching medicine to Iraqi physicians, among others.

The October issue of ACP Internist is now online. Featured stories include:


Sports internists treat players as patients. These internists turned their own athletic pursuits into careers with professional sports teams, treating high-caliber athletes as they practice and play. Working the sidelines, it's just another day not at the office.

Managing the elderly with cardiovascular disease. As patients are living longer, they're seeking more care for their cardiovascular diseases, as well as comorbidities such as diabetes. Effective therapy is possible in the older population, say the experts.

Medical mission in Iraq help train the next generation of doctors. U.S. military physicians are helping to train Iraq's next generation of doctors, as well as helping to restore an infrastructure smashed by decades of neglect, then combat.

More stories on making better diagnoses, avoiding practice audits and the MKSAP Quiz on hypertension are now online.