The next issue is online and coming to your mailbox

And the winner is …

The next issue of ACP Internist is online, featuring the following stories.

Learning to parry patient requests. Negotiating the doctor-patient relationship requires understanding what a patient expects from treatment, instead of outright saying “no.” There are easier ways to sort out what a request really means, and how to quickly address the real underlying issue.

Treat metabolic syndrome's many causes. Metabolic syndrome's prevalence has rapidly advanced in just the past decade. But medical societies don't recommend treating it as a distinct entity. They'd rather that physicians address the individual components of the illness, and encourage lifestyle modifications as the primary way to achieve such a goal.

Simple tools, teamwork manage depression in primary care. Embedding mental health professionals directly into a primary care setting threatens to add complexity to primary care's already hefty “to do” list. Clinics that have accomplished that task explain how it was not only easier than expected, but added tremendous benefits to the practice.

Also in this issue are stories on more effective treatments for hypertension, and Test Yourself with the MKSAP Quiz.