The next issue of ACP Internist is online and coming to your mailbox

ACP Job Placement Center calls for physician profiles

The April issue of ACP Internist features the following articles:


Array of symptoms can point to celiac. Celiac disease incidence has risen since the 1950s, so alert internists listen to the symptoms, get to the basis, and make accurate attributions to make the right diagnosis. A constellation of symptoms can point to a common underlying condition.

EHR era ushers in stricter privacy, security. Offices feeling confident about HIPAA compliance now face HITECH, which involves increased demands meant to secure confidential information in a digital age. As the demands have increased, so have the penalties.

Mindful Medicine: Seeing the whole diagnostic picture. For a year, one patient saw specialist after specialist and received a different diagnosis each time. Like the story of the blind men and the elephant, specialists often see the patient through only one component of training, as anchoring and availability sneak into their thinking.