Search results for "Knee pain"

Results 1 - 10 of about 42 for "Knee pain".
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MKSAP Quiz: 5-year history of knee pain

A 67-year-old man is evaluated for a 5-year history of right knee pain, with morning stiffness lasting 20 minutes. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate initial imaging study?
22 Jun 2021

MKSAP Quiz: 3-day history of left knee pain, swelling

A 43-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-day history of left knee pain and swelling. Similar episodes have occurred in either knee as well as the left wrist during the past 2 years. Following a physical exam, radiographs, and joint aspiration of the left knee, what laboratory study will most likely identify the cause of this patient's symptoms?
16 Mar 2021

MKSAP Quiz: 18-month history of knee pain

A 55-year-old woman is evaluated for an 18-month history of increasingly severe knee pain with the inability to arise when seated on the floor. She does not have pain at rest or nocturnal pain. Following a physical exam and radiography, what is the most appropriate management?
11 Jun 2019

New ACP-Curbsiders podcast episode available, “Knee Pain: Practical Office Orthopedics”

Listen to get practical tips from orthopedist and medical educator Ted Parks, MD.
12 Jun 2018

MKSAP Quiz: Right knee pain for 2 days

A 28-year-old man is evaluated for right knee pain that began 2 days ago. He was playing football when he stopped suddenly and pivoted to make a catch. He heard a popping sound and immediately developed severe pain in his right knee. Within 30 minutes, the knee became swollen. Since the injury, he has been able to bear weight, but he has discomfort with ambulation and reports feeling that his right knee is going to buckle. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely diagnosis?
9 Jan 2018

MKSAP quiz: 2-day history of knee pain, swelling

A 48-year-old man is evaluated for 2 days of right anterior knee pain and swelling. The pain began suddenly and has increased in intensity. The patient has no knee instability, reports no fever or chills, has no history of trauma, and has never had this problem before. Otherwise, he feels well. His only medication is ibuprofen, which provides minimal relief. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
26 Sep 2017

MKSAP Quiz: aching knee pain and stiffness

Herpes zoster vaccine safe and effective, but cost may hinder its useHPV testing more sensitive than conventional screen
4 May 2010

MKSAP Quiz: evaluation for progressive left knee pain

A 34-year-old man is evaluated for progressive left knee pain. The pain causes difficulty with his work as a mail carrier, particularly when walking. His occupation does not require repetitive bending. He played football in college and experienced left knee trauma during sports participation; he underwent left meniscectomy and stopped playing sports. His mother has osteoarthritis of the hands that developed at age 65 years. Following a physical exam and radiographs, what is the most likely cause of this patient's left knee osteoarthritis?
4 Oct 2016

MKSAP Quiz: 3-month history of left knee pain

A 76-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-month history of left knee pain of moderate intensity that worsens with ambulation. She reports minimal pain at rest and no nocturnal pain. There are no clicking or locking symptoms. She has tried naproxen and ibuprofen but developed dyspepsia; acetaminophen provides mild to moderate relief. The patient has hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and chronic stable angina. Medications are lisinopril, metoprolol, simvastatin, low-dose aspirin, and nitroglycerin as needed. Following a physical exam, lab results and radiograph, what is the next best step in management?
1 Apr 2014

Noninvasive treatment almost always best for knee pain

Knee symptoms are the most common musculoskeletal reason why patients visit their doctors, and in most cases, except when breaks or infection is suspected, physicians should recommend the use of nonsurgical treatments first.
1 Apr 2016

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