Search results for "Dermatology"

Results 21 - 30 of about 95 for "Dermatology".
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MKSAP Quiz: Follow-up for extremely pruritic skin

A 40-year-old man is evaluated during a follow-up visit for an extremely pruritic skin eruption for several months that was recently diagnosed as dermatitis herpetiformis. He has no gastrointestinal symptoms and is otherwise healthy and takes no medications. In addition to a gluten-free diet, what is the most appropriate treatment for this patient?
26 Mar 2019

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation of a firm, darkly pigmented papule

A 50-year-old man is evaluated for a firm, darkly pigmented papule on his back that has been growing steadily over a period of several months. The skin lesion is a 0.5-cm darkly pigmented, raised plaque with irregular borders and inconsistent coloration. A skin biopsy is performed and shows malignant melanoma on pathologic examination. What is the primary feature used to determine prognosis?
5 Dec 2017

MKSAP Quiz: ‘Sun allergy’

A 62-year-old woman is evaluated for a “sun allergy,” manifesting as a rash on her scalp, eyelids, upper back, and knuckles. This started 2 years ago, but is less pronounced over the winter months. Her only medication is hydrocortisone cream. Following a physical exam and lab studies, what is the most likely diagnosis?
6 Nov 2018

MKSAP quiz: 2-week history of rash on face, midchest

This week's quiz asks readers to determine the most likely diagnosis for a 32-year-old man evaluated for a 2-week history of a rash on his face and midchest consisting of small, reddish, intensely itchy “lumps.”
29 Aug 2017

MKSAP Quiz: Acute worsening of atopic dermatitis

A 24-year-old woman with longstanding atopic dermatitis is evaluated for an acute worsening of her disease in the past week. She has had increased pruritus and now has multiple painful areas within the involved skin. She has been applying petrolatum jelly and triamcinolone ointment and washing with gentle cleansers without improvement. Following a physical exam, what is the most likely cause of this patient's acute flare?
20 Mar 2018

MKSAP Quiz: Evaluation for a superficial skin infection

A 20-year-old male college student on the wrestling team is evaluated for a superficial skin infection. He has a history of several episodes of folliculitis and furunculosis over the past year that has required systemic treatment. His recurrent infections were treated with various oral antibiotics, including cephalexin, clindamycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. He currently takes no medications, has no drug allergies, and is otherwise in good health. There are multiple, scattered erythematous papulopustules and nodules on the buttocks and upper thighs, some with a collarette of scale. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
6 Jun 2017

MKSAP Quiz: counseling regarding skin cancer prevention

A 32-year-old woman is evaluated at a well-patient visit. Both her parents have a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer within the past year, and she is seeking counseling regarding skin cancer prevention. She has a history of remote sunburns and had previously tanned as a teenager. She requests advice on how to approach sun protection to limit both future skin cancer risk as well as to prevent wrinkles and cosmetic photodamage. Following a physical exam, what is the most appropriate advice for this patient?
25 Oct 2016

MKSAP Quiz: itching lasting 5 months

A 53-year-old man is evaluated for whole-body itching lasting 5 months that is not improved by a short course of emollients and antihistamine medication. Review of systems is negative. He does not take any medications. On physical examination, excoriations are noted on his legs, shoulders, and back; the remainder of the examination is normal. After normal results on laboratory tests, what is the most appropriate next step in management?
7 Feb 2017

ACP releases Spanish-language edition of MKSAP 18

The Spanish-language version will help Latin American and Spanish internists, subspecialists, and primary care physicians upgrade their knowledge and prepare for board certification.
17 Dec 2019

MKSAP Quiz: evaluation for very dry, painful hands

A 34-year-old woman is evaluated for very dry, painful hands. She works in a daycare center and washes her hands 15 to 20 times daily, often for 2 to 3 minutes at a time. She has been applying lotion multiple times daily with no relief of the pain. She has a history of obsessive-compulsive disorder and takes no medications. In addition to decreasing the frequency of hand washing, what is the most appropriate therapy?
26 Jul 2016

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