2009 Recruit-a-Resident Program underway

The 2009 Recruit-a-Resident program offers educational rewards to those residency programs that recruit at least 90% of their residents to be Associate members in good standing of the College.

The 2009 Recruit-a-Resident program offers educational rewards to those residency programs that recruit at least 90% of their residents to be Associate members in good standing of the College.

Programs that reach the 90% goal will receive the latest 2009 MKSAP Update for Residents, which includes 100 multiple-choice questions from MKSAP 14 Self-Assessment Updates. In addition each resident will receive handouts from Internal Medicine 2009.

The 90% participation rate must be achieved by Dec. 31, in order for residents to secure these free educational products from the College. For questions, visit online or contact Katie Buell, Programs and Services Coordinator, at 800-227-1915, ext 2611, or via e-mail.